Tuesday, February 2, 2010

april 18,2005

red thread

life dangles
by a thread
and its been said
chinese proverb
that we are all
connected somehow
this crazy red thread
rahab's red cord
that binds and shortens
six degrees of seperation
our story chapters
already written
some with chapters
left to write.
and then some break off
fall like little
spiders silk
forgetable.they leave
broken webs behind
and the beauty
intricasies are strong
visible until a light
wind carries it away
and it's left only to
our memory and mark
can't remember what
his brother looked like
can't really remember
because he was so
little boy world
little boy adventures
he observed and took
it all in and then
there are the rest of us.
sad channel ten
human interest
stories of heroic
eighteen year olds
making the ultimate
sacrifice for their
daughter and we
remember and we
feel somehow
connected as another
breaks the cord
and falls away.
we are touched
by grief
we feel the sadd
ness and the mour
ning and we hoist
ourselves higher
closer up our lifelines
and swear to hold
our loved ones closer
to take less for granted
to yell less and love more
and the wind blows
and the tears ebb
and the grief subsides
and the grip loosens
and the rope slacks
and we fall back again
to gripes
to harsh words
to days spent
and minutes lost
and memories left
in ruin ....and then...
again, someone falls
the thread like a noose
snaps our attention
humanity fraility
the process begins
spinning webs.

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