Tuesday, February 2, 2010

march 22,2005 part 2

passion- day one

sunny shiny days.
like new toys on christmas morning.
breathe life into my nostrils-dust-and ribs
and stops
insists that i snivel in my soup no longer.
the kind of day that
allows for skirts and little kid cardigans
pointelle and sequins
ashamed at my
self centerdness
i should know better-
i've been on that other hill
i have seen the hope in the horizon-have had the cracks and disfigurement
smoothed into mercy grace smiles that i
believed could no longer
accounted for...and it pales
my ranting
it muddies
my stark bipolar ravings
i'm sorry for not allowing
balm of gilead
the crimson sacrifice
sweet kiss of servanthood to rally me
to make it all worth it.
hollow and yelping


i'm sack cloth and
down on my lashes
they collect and weigh heavily my choice
not see the beauty

the eternal gratitude of

vessel cleared soap and water
spic span

it rains,again...
my eyes fall all googly
off of your splendid sunrise
and back onto
sour grapes time misspent
blessings ignored
and i hope i don't go there,

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