Tuesday, February 2, 2010

april 4,2005

caleb's birthday

and so
four years today.
four years when
we first said hello.
hushed dark room
among strangers
panic no time
to think as
life came to me,again.
purple and wonderful
little thing
screaming your barbaric yawp
wriggling in the shock of the cold
plunged into head first
the breath of life filled the room
and we cried and kissed
feeling so small in the grand
scheme of things
yet so mighty
for doing the impossible...

you were perfect.you still are
ten fingers ten toes
dragon slaying swordfights
with brother and still
so little
so new
so hope and faith
santa and bunnies that bring eggs
your little kid kisses
your little boy dreams
make this life seem
less crazy make these days so
much sweeter....
and now you are big
now you are belly laughs
now you are four.
happy day
to us all.

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